A living, breathing piece of clothing that produces oxygen.
Azgard9 turned a sci-fi fashion dream into reality, by making a sustainable garment that produces Oxygen. It was produced with their most recent motto in mind — “Future Before Fashion”, which focuses on the development of products and solutions with low impact on the environment. It was developed with the London-based, award-winning transdisciplinary design research studio Post Carbon Lab and then sent to key people at all the major fashion retailers, simulating a piece from their Fall / Winter 2043 Collections. The aim was to show big fashion brands that a future with truly green solutions such as this is possible now.
Treated with microbial pigmentation, the hoodie behaves like a plant. It takes in carbon dioxide and turns it into glucose and oxygen, using photosynthetic microorganisms. During its life cycle, the poncho neutralizes the impact of its production, improves the immediate environment of the wearer and produces approximately the same amount of O2 as an oak tree.
︎︎︎ Although it didn't need to be, this C.O2.A.T is more than an O2 producing piece of clothing, it is also imbued with characteristics which give us a glimpse of how truly great the future of fashion might look like:
- Photosynthesis
- Anti-Bacterial
- Anti-Odor
- Anti-Viric
- Breathable
- Water-resistant
- Repellent
Azgard9 is a leading Pakistani denim producer which has put in place this highly innovative and challenging fashion project, aspiring to materialize what the future of fashion might look like.
“While brands are thinking about their next collection, we have been thinking about collections of and for the future. In fact, about what garments may look like fifty years from now. So, we actually produced what could be part of every brand’s collection in 2043, if we all work towards the same goal. We were tired of thinking about how we could change the “Future of Fashion” for the better and decided to actually do something about it.”
Ahmed Shaikh, CEO @Azgard9